Is my horse on the bit?
On the bit means that the horse is stepping up or lifting under the rider’s seat to a connection with the bit. As a result, the horse is “on the bit.” I have heard it is also called “on the aids.” So what does that mean, on the aids? Well, the horse is connecting to […]
The Silent Dialogue: Communication between Horse & Rider: by Kristin Hermann
The rider’s aids (seat, legs, and hands) are what create the riding communication between equines and humans. The rider’s lower legs are in contact with the horse’s barrel; the seat balances the rider’s torso and provides a base from which the legs and arms perform. The rider’s hands (whole arm) are in contact with the […]
Hands out of the pit to get the horse on the bit
Kristin Hermann I have been teaching since 1978 and have developed many rhythmic sayings because it is easier to remember a jingle when learning to ride. One of my favorites is, "Get your hands out of the pit to get your horse on the bit."* In this first photo, my hands are in the pit; […]
First Dressage Lesson, with Kristin Hermann
I call my first lessons “my getting to know you lesson.” I know, and I want my students to know. Teaching to me is a dialog. My typical first question is, what are your three natural aids? It is amazing what riders do not know: the legs, seat, and hands. And the secret to riding […]
The Rider’s Seat
Riders communicate to the horse via three aids, the seat (pelvis and buttocks) the legs and the hands! The rider’s seat should envelop the horse’s back like an upside down U and allow the horse to move through the seat. A rider’s neutral seat learns to go with the movements of the horses and […]
The Rider’s Three Natural Aids and then some…
“By Kristin Hermann” What are the rider’s three natural aids? They are the legs, seat, and hands. And it is these aids that communicate to the horse to get the desired result of riding. I ask every new student if they know what the three natural aids are, and I get responses like the head, […]