The Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center

The Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center is very proud of the commitment and dedication of our volunteers. Over 500 individuals have chosen to help us come to the rescue of thousands of animals per year. We have several opportunities if you’re interested joining them. At our shelter, we have an enhanced safety and […]
Home for the Holidays

By Cody Hoellerman, Animal Friends Home for the holidays. It brings to mind such wonderful memories of being surrounded by family and friends. And, for animal lovers, what truly makes a house a home is the companionship of a beloved pet (or two!). At Animal Friends, our wish for each of the animals in our […]
Surrendering your pet

Over the past few months we’ve received numerous emails and phone calls from people who need to surrender their pet. The reasons range from “too many animals” to heartbreaking tragedies, but the end result is the same: as an Open Door Shelter, the Animal Rescue League turns no animals away. A few years ago, we […]
The Dog Stop Set To Travel To South Korea To Rescue Dogs From Local Dog Meat Market

According to the Humane Society International, an estimated 2 million dogs are kept in facilities to be sold off for consumption each year in South Korea. JC McGreehan, owner of The Dog Stop of Monroeville and Rachel Maga, owner of Ten Four Social are set to travel to South Korea in late September with hopes […]
Wheek Care Guinea Pig Rescue (WCGPR)

By April Minech Photo credits: Kim Lenz, Behind the Lenz Photography Did you know there was a rescue for Guinea pigs? Why yes, there is, and it’s amazing. Wheek Care Guinea Pig Rescue is celebrating their 17th year of helping and supporting these little puffballs in November. Started by Julene Robinson, it recently became the […]
Judge’s Park Small Animal Rescue

By April Minech Photo credits: Kim Lenz, Behind the Lenz Photography Where can you find bunnies, guinea pigs, rats and an occasional cat? Judge’s Park! Working from her home, Jen Kilmer started her small animal rescue in college around 2004 and named it after her soul-horse, Judge Park. “I started with guinea pigs and kept […]
Nate’s Reptile Rescue

fb@NatesReptileRescue #NatesReptileRescue on Instagram Nathan Lysaght has been in the rescue business for about four years now; or since he was thirteen. What drew him to reptiles? “Well I’m allergic to all the fuzzy stuff, so I started with my first reptiles around age four. My dad got me a ball python for Christmas,” […]
Animal Friends’ New Re-Tail Resale Store

Save a Dollar … Save a Life Calling all animal lovers and bargain shoppers! One of the newest additions to Animal Friends’ campus is saving lives while helping pet parents save money on high-quality, gently used products and supplies. If you haven’t paid a visit to our new Howard Ash Animal Wellness Center, then you’re […]
Beaver County Humane Society

The Beaver County Humane Society was incorporated in 1950 and had several locations, including behind the Beaver County Mall before building its large, modern and current location in 2013 at 3394 Brodhead Road in Aliquippa. “We can care for about 250 animals at one time,” explains Executive Director Susan Salyards. Each year about 4,000 animals […]
Tis the Season to Be Wary (of What Your Pet Eats)

It is amazing that we are already in the midst of the holiday season hustle and bustle. With so many things to do, it is easy to forget how our various seasonal activities can lead to an increased risk of illness and injury to our furry and feathered family members. The number one reason for […]