Our Sweet Kelly
About 13 years ago we lost our quiet, gentle, rescued collie. At that time, my husband and I didn’t want another dog. After six months of resisting the thought, we decided to move on and started looking for a little dog with short hair. As a volunteer that bathes incoming dogs at a shelter, I […]
Archie came to me later in his life
Archie came to me later in his life. It was just before Thanksgiving in 2009 when I saw on the schedule at the animal hospital where I work that a Chihuahua was coming in to be euthanized. Being partial to Chihuahuas, I decided to take my dinner break at that time so I would miss […]
In May of 2010 we got our Rufus from the Onslow County Animal Shelter right near Jacksonville North Carolina where my husband was stationed at Camp Lejeune while in the Marine Corps. We had just moved there and realized base housing allowed us to have a pet. We decided to go check out the nearest […]