Filling Voids and Offering Safety Nets

Everyone finds themselves in a pinch now and then. Sometimes that pinch feels a lot more like a vice clamping down on your ability to keep heat on in the house or even to put food on the table – or in your pet’s bowl. That’s the core reason we’re so excited about our new […]
Time is Tick-ing Away … Is Your Pet Protected Against Lyme Disease?

By Eleanor Miller, Senior Animal Wellness Coordinator With the warm weather fully upon us, Animal Friends wants to be sure you have everything you need to protect your pets. Lyme disease can quickly become a serious issue not only for the animals in your life, but for you, too. Lyme disease is one of the […]
Herbs are for Pets Too

There are many ways that herbs can benefit our pets. They are helpful for a multitude of conditions for which drugs are currently employed, including fighting infections, easing pain, assisting organ function, and improving hormone balance, just to name a few. Herbs can even help your animal companion in ways that drugs cannot, such as […]