Riding by the seat of your pants

Riding horses is something that we do with kinesthetic feeling. It is very unique because there is no other sport, which I am aware of, where you straddle an animal. Many riders who take on this activity try to analyze what they are doing when riding, and the best riders are the ones that ride […]
Dressage? (Or You mean Gymnastic Training for All Horses?

From Wikipedia: Dressage; a French term, most commonly translated to mean “training.” What does the word dressage mean? It means training. Training is what most of us do when we ride our horses. I am just not sure why so many riders differentiate between a horse being a dressage horse and one being a hunter? […]
The Rider’s Three Natural Aids and then some…

“By Kristin Hermann” What are the rider’s three natural aids? They are the legs, seat, and hands. And it is these aids that communicate to the horse to get the desired result of riding. I ask every new student if they know what the three natural aids are, and I get responses like the head, […]