Introducing The Washington County Mon Valley Companion Animal Project

For the last four years the Fluffyjean Fund for Felines has partnered with WAHS to attack the problem of homeless cats in Washington County thru TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return to care taker). As a result of data collected, several issues have been empirically identified as contributing factors to the problem of homeless animals. Based on the data […]
Homeless Cat Management Team and Pittsburgh C.A.T Third Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

PRESS RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Event is Sunday, May 17, 2020 I realize the event is in May, but we’d also like to solicit support from sponsors and donors and sell tickets in advance. Also, it’s the beginning of “kitten season” and publicity for our dinner also distributes information for people who have stray, feral […]
They Are All Simply Cats

This is the story of a cat named Gabby who was, all at the same time, an owned cat, an abandoned cat, a rescued cat, a feral cat, a stray cat, a homeless cat, and more—all dependent on his relationship to humans, but not on his own being. What kind of cat was Gabby, really? […]
FIX’UR CAT an Oasis of Hope for Washington County Felines

They are voiceless, defenseless, and homeless. They live on the streets in low-income neighborhoods, and in trailer parks, and a few lucky ones find a farm with a caretaker willing to care for them. Their numbers are staggering. They are the homeless felines of Washington County. Most lack access to adequate food and shelter reproducing […]