Riding by the seat of your pants

Riding horses is something that we do with kinesthetic feeling. It is very unique because there is no other sport, which I am aware of, where you straddle an animal. Many riders who take on this activity try to analyze what they are doing when riding, and the best riders are the ones that ride […]
The rider’s leg position and how it affects the seat

The rider communicates to the horse with three aids: the leg, the seat, and the hands. The rider’s leg asks the horse to go forward the seat balances the torso and the reins steer and regulate the forward energy. The more advanced rider learns to control the gaits of the horse with the seat, and […]
Hands out of the pit to get the horse on the bit

Kristin Hermann I have been teaching since 1978 and have developed many rhythmic sayings because it is easier to remember a jingle when learning to ride. One of my favorites is, "Get your hands out of the pit to get your horse on the bit."* In this first photo, my hands are in the pit; […]