Improving Communication with Your Animals

By Courtney Moffatt Brains work in mysterious and amazing ways. One of the ways is when we listen to others, speaking out loud or even thinking to ourselves, our brains automatically construct images. Both humans and animals construct mental imagery. That is why when people read books, images of the storyline play out in their […]
Is your Horse Forward with Relaxation and Rhythm or Rushing and Quick?

By Kristin Hermann If your horse is moving forward, that is an indication of the horse using his back or whole top line. You can tell if the horse is using its back or moving forward if the horse is tracking up. Tracking up, or covering ground, means the horse is taking a full stride […]
Riding the Horse “Over the Back”

By Kristin Hermann “Over the back, round, on the bit, coming through, connected, and or on the aids” … what do all these phrases have in common when training a horse? As riders we would like the horse to lift their back and carry our weight, as opposed to going concave and hollow. The back […]
Learning from Source

Kristin Hermann The best teacher is also a good student. All disciplines regardless of activities are a learning process. Learning to ride which has been called a journey, I call a pilgrimage. When I first started my classical education with horses, I went to one of the first horsemanship schools in the country on Long […]