Ease Cabin Fever with Enrichment Games for Your Pets
By Suzanne Denk, Animal Enrichment Specialist at Animal Friend Animals need ways to stay active – physically and mentally – year-round. With the weather turning from cold to colder, here are some fun indoor games you can play with your pet to ease cabin fever this winter. Build a Cat Activity Center Things that would […]
Fall Enrichment Fun … with Your Pet!
By Suzanne Denk, Animal Enrichment Specialist Crisp fall temperatures are just around the corner and you may be looking for some indoor fun with your four-legged friends. Here are some enrichment activities that are just what you need to keep your pets stimulated (both physically and mentally!) once the cool weather arrives. Rabbit Enrichment Toys […]
A Bucket of Stress
A cat is confident one moment and the next is acting defensive or fearful. A normally friendly and happy cat is suddenly beating the crap out of a housemate. Kitty is obviously enjoying a good petting from head to tail, then BITE. What changed the dynamic? Some people think you’re joking when you talk about […]