Pet Odors – Bactronizing Our Way to a Healthier Environment for Pets and People with Bactronix

We pet lovers and guardians enjoy the close bond we share with our pets. As pet lovers, there is nothing better than snuggling up with our furry friends! However, how often do we stop and think about what they may carry from our daily routines as we travel about? Do we even think about pathogens […]
Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center

By Carla Mader Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center (PVSEC) is western Pennsylvania’s most comprehensive multi-specialty referral and emergency veterinary center. They provide small animal veterinary services in 14 disciplines and 24/7 emergency services. PVSEC is conveniently located and easily accessible in North Hills off I-279. Pittsburgh is very fortunate to have a premier veterinary […]
Beaver Animal Clinic: Because We Care

We at Beaver Animal Clinic believe in the power of caring. Caring for our patients as our own pets. Caring for our clients as our friends. Caring for each other as our family. We strive to maintain an office where animals receive the best possible health care. Holistic/Integrative Care by Dr. Doug Knueven Conventional Care […]
Adopt a Holistic Lifestyle for Your Pet

By Doug Knueven, DVM, CVA, CVC, CVCH Holistic veterinary care is in great demand these days. The term “holistic” implies that the entire being; body, mind, and spirit, is being addressed. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This concept stands in direct opposition to the Western reductionistic view of life. Modern […]
Vitamin D for Pets

By Doug Knueven, DVM, CVA, CVC, CVCH Vitamin D is a critical nutrient. It acts as a hormone in the body and regulates calcium metabolism which is important in bone growth and maintenance. Vitamin D excess leads to too much calcium in the blood. This can cause calcification of body tissues and the formation of […]
Yours Truly & Grateful, Ruth Maloy-Carter

Integrative Veterinary Medicine involves the use of the most appropriate Western medicine techniques along with the best of what holistic medicine has to offer. In this way, the pet benefits from the best of both worlds! When I speak of using the “most appropriate” Western medicine techniques, I mean the art of choosing the right […]
Herbs are for Pets Too

There are many ways that herbs can benefit our pets. They are helpful for a multitude of conditions for which drugs are currently employed, including fighting infections, easing pain, assisting organ function, and improving hormone balance, just to name a few. Herbs can even help your animal companion in ways that drugs cannot, such as […]
Blue Pearl Blood Bank Every Donor Is A Hero

By: Dan Kavanaugh We all love our pets, and we only ever want the best for them. We treat our furry friends like family and we extend that consideration onto their medical care. Many of the treatments we provide to each other can also be prescribed for our pets as well. Have you ever wondered […]
Toilet Water

Toilet water? We “go” there, don’t they know that? So why do cats drink out of toilet bowls when they’ve got a water bowl, and maybe even more than one? But their water bowl may be filled, or half-filled, or so…with water that you put in there days ago. It still looks fine to us, […]