Riding the Horse “Over the Back”

By Kristin Hermann “Over the back, round, on the bit, coming through, connected, and or on the aids” … what do all these phrases have in common when training a horse? As riders we would like the horse to lift their back and carry our weight, as opposed to going concave and hollow. The back […]
On the Bit,” a nuance of dressage!

A horse on the vertical and working over its back differentiates dressage from other forms of riding. The horse’s nose is on the vertical when the horse flexes at the poll or atlas joint, and its nose is tucked in. And if the horse is tracking up, or taking a full stride under the seat […]
Is my horse on the bit?

On the bit means that the horse is stepping up or lifting under the rider’s seat to a connection with the bit. As a result, the horse is “on the bit.” I have heard it is also called “on the aids.” So what does that mean, on the aids? Well, the horse is connecting to […]
The Silent Dialogue: Communication between Horse & Rider: by Kristin Hermann

The rider’s aids (seat, legs, and hands) are what create the riding communication between equines and humans. The rider’s lower legs are in contact with the horse’s barrel; the seat balances the rider’s torso and provides a base from which the legs and arms perform. The rider’s hands (whole arm) are in contact with the […]