Filling Voids and Offering Safety Nets

Everyone finds themselves in a pinch now and then. Sometimes that pinch feels a lot more like a vice clamping down on your ability to keep heat on in the house or even to put food on the table – or in your pet’s bowl. That’s the core reason we’re so excited about our new […]
Animal Friends

What is Kitten Season? At Animal Friends, each spring marks the beginning of what is known by many as kitten season. And, it’s not quite as fun as it sounds. As the weather gets warmer, stray and feral cats are preparing to welcome newborn kittens after a long winter. But, in 2017 alone, Animal Friends […]
Surrendering your pet

Over the past few months we’ve received numerous emails and phone calls from people who need to surrender their pet. The reasons range from “too many animals” to heartbreaking tragedies, but the end result is the same: as an Open Door Shelter, the Animal Rescue League turns no animals away. A few years ago, we […]
Of Starfish and Kittens

Spring is the time for newborns. Even with short or mild winters, the lengthening days reach a point in February that send a signal to get ready for birth or to get about reproducing so youngsters can mature during the most plentiful and temperate time of year. Now, in spring, the first wave of kittens […]
HCMT Free and Low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinics January to June 2019

PRESS RELEASE/FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Between January and June 2019 HCMT has seven free and low-cost spay/neuter clinics scheduled for stray/feral and rescued/pet cats. Each spay and neuter reduces the number of homeless cats in the Pittsburgh region, and helps everyone be a part of the solution. Clinics fill up fast and registration well ahead of […]
HCMT Free and Low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinics June to December 2019

Between June and December 2019 HCMT has 14 free and low-cost spay/neuter clinics scheduled for stray/feral and rescued/pet cats. Each spay and neuter reduces the number of homeless cats in the Pittsburgh region, and helps everyone be a part of the solution. Clinics fill up fast and registration well ahead of time is required. NO-CHARGE […]
Spay and Neuter Awareness

Do you consider yourself a pet owner or pet parent? Over 75% consider pets as family members. This makes it hard to believe that around 13.5 million dogs and cats were euthanized in the US in the early 1970s, nearly 20% of the entire population! Even with all those deceased animals, millions of cats and […]
Press Release/For Immediate Release

I am sending this press release on behalf of the Homeless Cat Management Team If the press release is too long, please publish the schedule. Not Just for Ferals, HCMT Hosts 13 Free and Low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinics Through June 2023 Inflation has not affected the cost of a cat spay or neuter for feral and […]