Pet Connections

Petland store in East Liberty

In November of 2010 Marci and Eric Caplan, the owners of Petland in The Village of Eastside developed and implemented a rescue only format  for their  Petland store in East Liberty.   The program is called, A.S.A.P for Animal Shelter Adoption Program.   The store works with shelters  and rescue groups  as an outlet for […]

Ear infections

If you’re reading this, chances are that at some point you have had a dog with an ear infection. Otitis (ear inflammation) is one of the most common causes of veterinary visits. In fact, after vaccines and skin allergies, ear infections are the next most common reason that pet owners bring their dog to the […]

Sarver Animal Hospital: Focusing on Overall Pet Health

by Nate Lasher When she opened Sarver Animal Hospital in February of 2015, Dr. Nicole Milligan began structuring her practice in a way that would promote the overall health and wellness of her patients. “As our society has changed, pets have become more like our family members,” said Dr. Milligan. “They are not just animals […]

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance For Horses Now Available

Crum & Forster Pet Insurance GroupTM has launched its first-ever insurance plans exclusively for companion horses.  The idea to launch equine health insurance stemmed from the discovery of a growing trend among horse owners to view their horses as companions or family members rather than property. The provider of ASPCA Pet Health Insurance, Crum & […]

Nationally Certified K9 Search And Rescue

NATIONALLY CERTIFIED K9 SEARCH AND RESCUE unable to even jump or walk steps without pain. “No one could tell me what was wrong with him. Dr. Savko saved not only my partner, but my heart.” I was distraught. My K9 partner of 7 years was no longer able to jump or walk without pain. I […]

Yours Truly & Grateful, Ruth Maloy-Carter

Integrative Veterinary Medicine involves the use of the most appropriate Western medicine techniques along with the best of what holistic medicine has to offer. In this way, the pet benefits from the best of both worlds! When I speak of using the “most appropriate” Western medicine techniques, I mean the art of choosing the right […]

Why Does My Pet Need a Cone?

Imagine getting a cut on your finger that requires stitches.  At first it hurts, but then within a few days it gets itchy… very, very itchy.  To help relive the itchy, you start to scratch the area.  You feel better so you stop scratching, but the itch returns with a vengeance, so you start scratching […]

Protect Your Cat, Yourself and Other Animals With Just One Vaccine

Every year around 59,000 people die from rabies, over one person every ten minutes. Rabies is 100% preventable and prevention starts with the animal owner.”1 This quote is from materials provided by the Global Alliance for Rabies Control for World Rabies Day observed annually on September 28. And before you think this is a distant […]

Blue Pearl Blood Bank Every Donor Is A Hero

By: Dan Kavanaugh We all love our pets, and we only ever want the best for them. We treat our furry friends like family and we extend that consideration onto their medical care. Many of the treatments we provide to each other can also be prescribed for our pets as well. Have you ever wondered […]