Pet Connections

Introducing The Washington County Mon Valley Companion Animal Project

For the last four years the Fluffyjean Fund for Felines has partnered with WAHS to attack the problem of homeless cats in Washington County thru TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return to care taker). As a result of data collected, several issues have been empirically identified as contributing factors to the problem of homeless animals.

Based on the data collected and ethical considerations, it can be argued that TNVR does in fact provide the most humane, effective and just solution to the problem of cats who are currently homeless and living in our 90 managed colonies. However, it has also become obvious that addressing the issue of homelessness at the end of the homeless animal pipeline, while effective in terms of cats currently in the homeless pipeline, it does not address the issue of stemming the tide of new animals entering the homeless animal pipeline.

Data collected has identified several causes that contribute to beginning the transition of a beloved companion animal to a neglected or homeless animal. Based on our research, the socioeconomic status of both a community and the individuals residing in that community play a significant role in setting the transition from beloved companion animal to homelessness or neglect in motion.

The WCMVCAP has identified the Mon Valley as an area of Washington County in most need. In order to address the problems of homelessness and neglect and enable individuals to maintain their pets in their homes, the Fluffyjean Fund for Felines and Washington Area Humane Society have joined in a collaborative effort to create the Washington County Mon valley Companion Animal Project(WCMVCAP). Along with the assistance of Animal Friends mobile resource unit the project will focus on reducing neglect and homelessness by providing residents of Mon valley assistance with spaying, neutering, food and vaccinations.

The project will launch in May with a free feline only spay/neuter clinic on May 11, 2018. This clinic is sponsored by the WAHS. The clinic will be held at the New Eagle Community Center. Free clinics are restricted to cats owned by Washington County residents of the Mon Valley. There is a limit of 2 owned cats per family and an appointment is required. Please contact Faith at or 724 941-5683 for further details and to setup an appointment. We are currently pursuing funding to provide residents with canine spay/neuter vouchers. Those feeding colony cats may also contact Faith to determine their eligibility for the Colony Cat Project. Washington County senior citizens are encouraged to contact Kelly Proudfit, CEO at WAHS to determine their eligibility for Senior Paws program. Kelly may be reached at 724 222-7387.

The WCMVCAP has secured funding for 3 owned cats spay/neuter clinics and a free vaccine clinic for dogs and cats. All to be held at New Eagle Social Hall. It is the hope of WCMVCAP that that through our collaborative efforts we will be able to provide Mon Valley residents with the assistance needed to keep pets in their home. Thereby reducing animal homelessness, and improving the quality of life for both companion animals and their human companions.

Faith Bjalobok Ph.D.

Professor of Philosophy Duquesne University

Fellow Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics

Founder Fluffyjean Fund for Felines


November 22, 2024
December 14, 2023