Pet Connections

Why You Should Vaccinate and Microchip Your Indoor Cat

By Melanie Lippert, Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program Assistant

“But my cat stays inside,” is something we often hear when we recommend vaccinating and microchipping your feline. We know that cats who stay indoors live longer and healthier lives than those who venture outdoors. But despite living in the comfort of your home, your cat can still be at risk for contracting various diseases or slipping out of your home and becoming lost.

Many states, including Pennsylvania, have laws that require all dogs and cats to be current on their rabies vaccinations. And, this isn’t without good reason. Rabies is fatal and it only takes one incident with an infected animal to spread this devastating disease. 

Another important vaccination for indoor cats is for FVRCP. This vaccination protects against several feline viruses that can cause chronic respiratory issues, painful mouth sores and intestinal and immune system issues – which can be fatal. These viruses can innocently be brought into your home by visitors (two- and four-legged!) and transmitted to your cat if she is not protected.

Vaccinating is a safer and less expensive alternative to treatment. It can keep your kitty safe and protected against dangerous diseases – giving her a longer, healthier life.

Providing identification for indoor cats is also often overlooked. While Animal Friends encourages you to keep your cat indoors we recognize that may not always be possible. Or your cat can be tempted outdoors by a strange noise, enticing bug or an open door. Unfortunately, many indoor cats can’t find their way home once they’ve gotten out. 

By microchipping your cat, she’ll always have a permanent form of identification that won’t fade and will always be with her. One study found that 38% of lost cats with microchips were returned home while, sadly, less than 2% of cats without one were reunited with their owners. So, a microchip could quite literally save your cat’s life.

Vaccinating and microchipping are two small steps that will significantly improve the life of your cat. And, Animal Friends proudly offers low-cost vaccine and microchip clinics on a first-come, first-served basis – no reservation required! 

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