Pet Connections

Archie came to me later in his life

Archie came to me later in his life. It was just before Thanksgiving in 2009 when I saw on the schedule at the animal hospital where I work that a Chihuahua was coming in to be euthanized. Being partial to Chihuahuas, I decided to take my dinner break at that time so I would miss seeing this sad appointment. As luck (or fate) would have it, Archie and his owner showed up very early for their appointment. His owner told me that he had become vicious and her husband insisted that she get rid of him. Archie was lying on the floor with his front paws crossed, tilting his head from side to side, hanging on every word she said. She was very upset and clearly he adored her. Euthanasia was out of the question, so without hesitation I offered to adopt him. We soon learned that his “viciousness” was reserved for men and that he was especially wary around feet. In time he relaxed about the feet, but he did want a piece of my husband for a few years. He bonded to me immediately and became my little shadow. He would sleep at my side while I read at the park. He explored nearby streams with me and posed for pictures sitting on big rocks in the water. He never needed a leash because he stayed by my side always. At work he would often sleep on a little donut bed on the counter next to my keyboard. At home he made sure he could always see me and he slept on my pillow at night. He was always ready for a ride in the car and the people at the PNC bank drive-thru knew him by name. They would talk to him through the speaker and send out a biscuit for him. Unfortunately Archie came to me with a Grade IV heart murmur. He did well on medication and was alert and energetic for many years. Sadly, on January 21, 2015 at the age of 14 his little heart gave out and I had to set him free. As much as I tried to avoid meeting Archie, I believe it was meant to be. He was one of those soul-mate dogs who just show up as a gift. Sometimes at night when I am sitting at my computer, I feel a cold nose against my leg but no one’s there. Perhaps soul mates stick around. I’d like to think so. RIP my little Archibald <3 

Leslie Taylor


December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023


November 20, 2023