Pet Connections

Waterfront Opens Dog Park

The already dog friendly Waterfront in Homestead opened a green spot for shoppers with dogs to relax and let their pets take a break: a new dog park. “It’s been in the planning since fall of last year,” explains Emily Wittmer, Marketing Director at the Waterfront. The large grassy area features several agility structures to play on and jump through, and a refillable dog pool connected to a water source inside the park along with benches for less activity inclined owners to sit while supervising their dogs. The park is open to the public without any membership fees or reservations necessary. For now, the hours are 24/7, with waterfront security just across the sidewalk and the area well lit, giving owners an option to come during off hours if they have a pet that prefers less crowded play. The dog park is conveniently located across from the bathrooms right at the pedestrian bridge. “Most of the stores in town square are dog friendly,” according to Emily, making area even more enticing for pet owners o shop.

Opening day featured Skye and Chase from Paw Patrol entertaining kids, Puppichinos from Starbucks and several vendors. Animal Lifeline was the highlighted dog rescue group, and was on-site accepting food and animal supplies. Along with promoting spay & neuter, they provide transportation for help to reach those in need. 

The park had a few owner and dog team trying out the park as soon as it was open. “We just came down today because one of our neighbors told us about it,” says Layne Gable. “We live pretty close and enjoy shopping at the Waterfront, and now we have a place for Bean to go, too”.

Joe Potosnak saw the park opening on the news and came from Monroeville to check it out. He brought his 5-month-old foster dog Lucy, a German shepherd, to spend some puppy energy and to try out some of the agility equipment with her. Lucy will be going to a disabled veteran when she’s full trained as part of Gunny’s Ridge non-profit. Their goal is “to provide a private and natural environment for both Veterans and First Responders to bond through engagement in recreational, educational, and physical programs” according to the web site


Robert Emilian shakes along to antics of Paw Patrol.

Layne Gabel & Bean testing out the hoop and platform on the agility options

Joe Potosnak teaching Lucy how to jump


November 22, 2024
December 14, 2023


December 14, 2023