Pet Connections

Homeless Cat Management Team and Pittsburgh C.A.T Third Annual Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser


Event is Sunday, May 17, 2020

I realize the event is in May, but we’d also like to solicit support from sponsors and donors and sell tickets in advance. Also, it’s the beginning of “kitten season” and publicity for our dinner also distributes information for people who have stray, feral or pet cats who need low-cost spay or neuter surgery.

For more information, contact:
Bernadette Kazmarski at (412) 429-9553 or
Margo Cicci Wisniewski at (724) 462-9630 or
Homeless Cat Management Team website at

Please ask if you’d like any logos or images.

Enjoy a Spaghetti Dinner and Help Homeless Cats in Pittsburgh

Help us lower the population of homeless and abandoned cats in the Pittsburgh area and have a great meal in great company. Join us for the third annual Homeless Cat Management Team & Pittsburgh C.A.T. spaghetti dinner fundraiser on May 17, 2020 from 3:00pm to 7:00pm at J. Verno Studios on the South Side, 3030 Jane Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203.
The menu includes pasta with vegan marinara sauce, salad, roll, drink and dessert which includes vegan and gluten-free options, made and served by volunteers for HCMT and Pittsburgh C.A.T.
You can also buy tickets for a room full of incredible gifts in Chinese auction/silent auction to help raise even more support. Prizes include not only unique and sometimes handmade cat trees and toys and other goodies for your kitties but for you as well. In the past prizes have included a 4-pack of tickets to the Heinz History Center, two tickets to the Pittsburgh Symphony, four tickets to the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, five free games at Arsenal Bowling Lanes, plus massages and acupuncture, hair and nail services and more.
Vendors with gifts for you and your cats will also be in attendance and donating a portion or all of sales to the organizations. And to help support us even more, before you leave you can purchase a sweet treat from our famous bake sale tables.
If you want to help HCMT and Pittsburgh C.A.T. even more or if you can’t attend and still want to help, you can donate an auction item or basket for the raffle, sponsor a table or buy an ad in the program to be distributed at the dinner. Donors and sponsors are recognized before, during and after the dinner with signage, publicity and social networking. Over 500 people the dinner each year.

The Homeless Cat Management Team and Pittsburgh C.A.T.

HCMT is a freestanding all-volunteer organization whose mission is to reduce the population of cats living outdoors through TNR as well as providing low-cost spay/neuter to pet cats. “TNR”, or trap-neuter-return, is the process of trapping cats living in colonies outdoors for spay or neuter, then returning them to caretakers who feed and provide veterinary care for them.
Not all cats are returned to caretakers, however. An important part of the success of TNR in reducing the population of cats living on the streets is removing all friendly cats and kittens of age to socialize to be adopted. HCMT’s sister organization Pittsburgh C.A.T. was founded to foster and adopt those cats and kittens taken in from TNR efforts along with cats we rescue. These cats and kittens are spayed or neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and given all necessary veterinary care before they are adopted into a loving forever home.
HCMT spays and neuters over 1,000 cats each year at its clinics, and Pittsburgh C.A.T. fosters and adopts about 500 cats and kittens each year. That’s a lot of cats who are no longer reproducing on the streets or who no longer live on the streets, and the births of hundreds of kittens prevented each year. HCMT and Pittsburgh C.A.T. largely rely on donations and fundraisers to keep up this work.

Tickets for the dinner are $10 for adults and $5 for children 5 and under. Valet parking is available. All proceeds help our mission of providing low-cost spay and neuter services to Pittsburgh area cats and socializing and finding adoptive homes for rescued cats.
For tickets, donation and information on our clinics and low-cost spay and neuter, please visit


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